After the devastating effect on the lives of the people of China, including loss of numerous lives, the problem of the Covid-19 is now declared as a pandemic. Numerous states and countries are declared on high alert and rapids steps are being taken to curb the growth of this international emergency. As this virus is spreading convulsively across the nations, it is essential to take action at individual level.
The virus is mainly transmitted person to person through tiny droplets of saliva or other body fluids that float in the air after a cough or sneeze. Hence, it is mandatory to ensure prevention by maintaining a strict regime for hygiene. Apart from practicing hygiene at personal level, it is also very important to be aware of the surroundings. The contaminated objects and subject can easily become a source of transmission of the disease.
Though is not clear as yet about the impact of touching surfaces on body, but they are definitely boosting the effect and supporting the spreading. A person who touched a contaminated surface and then touched eyes, nose or mouth then the virus can easily pass on. Since this disease is spreading very rapidly, it’s time to become cautious about yourself and your loved ones. The impact of the disease is majorly hitting the elderly and children, hence strong determination and stiff steps can help fight this monster. If you suspect that someone in your home or someone who visited your home recently might have infection, then a thorough cleaning of home is pivotal. The cleaning can significantly reduce the contamination on surfaces which will further limit the risk of transmission of corona-virus or other pathogens.